We are proud of our Founder @PiyushaBokil to be the judges shortlisted for Woman in ConTech at the #ConstructionTechnologyAwards by Ventures Connect
This is a nice moment to appreciate the work done by team EXS Design as well. Evidence against each score criteria was provided to be shortlisted for these awards & it gives me joy to see how far we have come-from freelancer to being the design authority for well respected F&B brands, offices & designing some remarkable residences.
About awards:
This award recognizes a female leader from the construction value chain (Senior Manager and above) who is a pioneer and role model in their organization for digital technology adoption and success in the built environment.

About Piyusha
Piyusha is a veteran, award winning architect, interior designer & design coach. She has more than a decade of experience as project lead on projects of all scales-small apartments to multi use towers, villas to masterplans, clinics to large hospitals, cafes to resorts, saloons to wellness centers, offices to commercial towers -she has been a point person on many successful built forms defining a city.
She started EXS Design from a spare bedroom in 2020 & the firm is now doing some remarkable projects like business centers, resorts, villas & are the design command for some respected F&B concepts.
The setup has their head office in Dubai & operates across Middle east & India.
EXS design has received great client feedbacks & was INDEX finalist 2022 for their you+baby photostudio project.
Piyusha is a university gold medalist from Pune university & an NDTV national level award winner in design. Raising design awareness has been a part of her passion & she pursues it through design coaching-mentorship & workshops. EXS coach me is a sister concern of EXS Design through which she ensures to educate people outside the design fields about ideal processes & creates market awareness.
Strategy & leadership: How have you driven the organisation’s digital technology strategy & leadership?
I am committed to promoting efficiency in the workflow & look forward to removing the long working hours a design studio is generally associated with; this while maintaining a high ratio of client satisfaction.
I formulated the EXS design to implementation workflow to be a combination of knowledge, skill & technical expertise. Design production workflows which remove the human error factor in design are promoted & various skill building workshops for the team are arranged from time to time.
This resulted in 100% faster efficiency while not compromising on the creative output of the studio.
For example F&B Designs executed have tripled the clients monthly revenue from the restaurants & credit has been given to the overall understanding with which EXS has designed the interventions.
Software’s like ZOHO are used by EXS for admin work, fee calculation, HR files & vendor , supplier onboarding & documentation. This ensures quick turn around on quotations, one stop database for vendors & results in 100% faster interaction.
Planning: How have you helped structure and plan digital technology initiatives and processes?
I ensure the clients are aware of the project pipeline & the company invested in flexi work system for employees. EXS objective is to ensure smooth delivery of our creative projects & our ways are flexible.
This resulted in better employee retention, happier workplace, productive creativity & end results which gave 90% repeat clientele.
Management & operation: How have you created and maintained an internal environment which supports digital technology?
Each & every employee is heard at EXS & they drive the end result.
Each project objective is strategically met & we have 0% extensions on project deadlines.
We believe in investing in technology as needed but understand that its only a tool to be used wisely to meet end results.
Outline examples of your work over the last 24 months. What digital initiatives have been implemented under your leadership?
Digital initiatives are an integral part of our design studio. Estimates are created from Zoho books & invoices are also generated from the same portal. This minimizes the admin time for client onboarding
We use digital sketching apps like concepts to create early presentations before moving to technical drawings.This helps the clients to visualize the project better & fasten the decision making process by 50%.
Design production is done in an integrated way with various disciplines to avoid on site confusion & fitouts are able to stick to project programs.
Strategically implemented designs have led to 3 times more income for clients & 90% repeat clientele.
Innovation: How has innovation been demonstrated under your leadership?
Piyusha formulated the entire digital system as a freelancer, then as a startup.
She made sure systems were set in place from point of view of workflow as well as having everyone on the same page.
Admin softwares like zoho one were initiated for book keeping, CRM, project planning & also HR.
This helped create a growth strategy which resulted in 50% higher company revenue.
She also ensured the team was literate in terms of latest softwares without compromising on promoting creative growth by encouraging digital sketching in the studio. The happiness quotient raised by 50% due to this as employees liked coming to work.
All of the employees use laptops & connect them to screens provided promoting flexibility to work from anywhere-this has resulted in 100% more efficiency & reduced project design timelines by 50% without having the team compromise on their personal errands.
90% of our team is females & the system formulated empowers them to have a good work-life balance.
It also helps interns to contribute at EXS as they take care of their university submissions.
ESG Impact: What Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors have been quantifiably impacted under your leadership?
At EXS, all of our projects take into consideration the sustainability component. We do this by ensuring modular design 80% of which components can be reused.90% of our project have integrated indoor greenery details.
On the social front 90% of our staff are females,70% are young mothers & our system helps them to contribute at work without having to stress; this while ensuring client satisfaction.
The remaining 20% are students & Piyusha ensures they are mentored from time to time resulting in better results for the company & their professional growth.
Benefit realisation: What quantifiable benefits have been delivered by your work?
The above factors have resulted in 50% higher profitability,100% team expansion. Addition of 20% more business associates & also addition of new design streams in our services along with interiors like Architecture & Landscape design.
We have forged B2B understandings with 3 F&B chains & have created design authority within our client ecosystem.